The snow started last night and is still coming down. I was going to drive to RI yesterday to attend a tree trimming at some friends' house, but after seeing the weather report, I took the train and packed some extra things in case I got snowed in. The train makes me even happier than usual in inclement weather. I sat cozily down, listened to two young friends discuss their Friday night, and began finishing off the pair of socks I've been working on for months.
I had a wonderful visit, and headed out early, which I NEVER do. It was shocking to feel ok with leaving a party midway, at four o'clock. I made it home well before the snow began. Z was cooking Jambalaya when I got there, and the house was fragrant and steamy. I sat and watched him cook, and we listened to a podcast about international soccer until it was time to eat. Jambalaya, corn bread and collards all from
Veganomicon. We bought this cookbook on a recommendation from some friends, and when Z took over all cooking and cleaning responsibilities as I went back to school, he took almost all of his recipes from it. (Zak has always been a fantastic cook, but he had a hard time cooking dinner after I stopped eating meat. He enjoys complicated/amazing type recipes best, and most of the vegetarian, whole food recipes we had came from Laurel's Kitchen (which I also love) but which is terribly basic and plain.) Anyhow, the meal was astounding. I can't wait to have leftovers for lunch.
I woke up to piles of snow, and happily called my yoga studio to make sure they were open before I headed over there. My love for walking in the snow in the city has to be the greatest argument that I really belong here in the Northeast. I put on my snowpants (thank you Tyson for the hand-me-down) and my red snow boots (thanks Amber) and my fantastic Winter Tilly hat that Z got me for my birthday (with the ear flaps down, of course) and headed out. Even though the air was bitter cold, and the wind was blowing the snow sideways; at my face (beneath my hat!) everyone greeted one another happily. People were shoveling, and walking their dogs and carrying multiple cups of coffee home.
Now, post-yoga, post-breakfast, mid-teapot, I'm contentedly looking forward to an afternoon of knitting, and reading, perhaps even some banana bread baking. I should help my landlady by taking a turn with the shovel. I may even invite somebody to go to a movie with me. My Sunday stretches out before me like a long toad that I can walk as long as I like.