I've been working long hours at my job to pack up our school and get ready to move.
It's crazy, man, and I am tired.
I just got an email from my sister (who also works in an early childhood) detailing Schul Sylvester (Or "School New Years") Where Jessy lives, there is an outlawed holiday all about small children getting up at 5 am to celebrate the last day of school before break. Traditionally (it is no longer endorsed by schools or parents) children would ring doorbells at 5pm. Today, while they are not endorsed, kids use fire crackers to explode the doggy-doo receptacles all over town.
As soon as I recieved the email, I called her because this holiday was too good to be true! I talked to Ivo, her husband, who told me that it was much wilder in "his day" and that the police had to start cracking down in the early nineties when it got out of control. He asked me "you remember the corner a block from my parents' house where the grocery is ?" "Of course" I said. "One year some teenagers occupied it and threw chairs at anyone who came near."
My sister lives in a wierd ass country. (Apologies, J & I) We all know stories of Teens gone ape shit that are way more principled or senselessly violent or unprincipled and more harmful. This holiday is at once kinder, gentler and more brutal and independent than any American childhood celebration.
Meanwhile, I spent the week/day packing up a classroom. Think about how hard it is to move with your loved one. It's not as gratifying to move with your coworkers. Although I have to say it is MORE gratifying to move with parent volunteers... these people are showing up until all hours to pack up our stuff.
Now, to bed.
Holiday plans? ha ha haha hahahaha.
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