Last night I watched Once. Now, I don't follow the Oscars, so I had no idea that it had won one, or even been nominated. When this film came out, around a year ago, I think... Z was traveling... I tried to go see it with my friend Kyle. I'd read a review in the Stranger that it was the "best movie with music in since Hard Day's Night" or something. I couldn't find where it was playing because there are a million movies and reviews with the word "Once" in them, and because it was only one word, I was fucked. We looked and looked and finally discovered that we'd missed the movie, so we decided to go to the Cinema in the U district and see whatever came next. We saw The Lives of Others another incredible film from overseas. Now, when I search for the film it comes up right away! Thank you Oscar.
In any case Once is really perfect. It's very simple and spacious, and I found myself projecting my entire life onto the two lovely characters. It's sort of about inertia in some ways, and in most ways so am I. Since I've recently made a decision that is in every way anti-inertial, I was very sensitive to it all, and the music provided this main line to emotion, completely skipping whatever rational thoughts I could have about the story. I'm no good at movie reviews, but you should really check this one out.
Bizarrely, we saw Hot Fuzz the night before which makes for a great/hideous pairing. Hot Fuzz was incredibly smart and funny and dreadful, and reminded me that I still haven't seen Shaun of the Dead. I'll get right on that.
I am glad for this review. I knew almost nothing of this film. All that I had known was that when I heard it advertised daily on my NPR podcasts, it always sounded to me like city mouse and country mouse and I have no recollection of why.
Once has opened in Zürich first last week. Ivo and I will go tonight to see it. Yay Date! Yay good movie! Yay to those who wrote the subtitiles in both German and French.
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