Wednesday, September 17, 2008

News flash

So far... The  biggest differences between Boston and Seattle?

Cyclists here are more likely to be crazy, breaking the law, dressed in street clothes and helmetless.  

One cannot find a cd store if one is more that 3 blocks from a college dormitory.

Ice coffee is sold everywhere.  (But we expected that, didn't we?)

The rain is harder.  I went to NYC to visit my brother and he talked me into buying an umbrella within about 10 minutes.  I can't remember ever having an umbrella.  There's some hazy memory of having one in my childhood, and YES there is that disturbing pink one with a face that I found on my lawn one morning, but I never used it.  So, there it is... I've changed.  I'm an umbrella user who rides her bike on the sidewalk sometimes.  

1 comment:

this one said...

That's 70 francs here, woman. Riding on the sidewalk, that is, not the whussy umbrella. The fine for the whussy umbrella is shame, shame, shaaaaame