Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm back, and this time I've overdosed on Garlic

and I don't mean that in a colloquial sense, like when someone tells me that they're "addicted" to Veggie Booty.

Nope. I sat with my friend and ate SO MUCH garlic. It was roasted and then microwaved, and then eaten with bread and then without bread and it was delicious. (This was Monday, so I'm fine now, and just had a lovely "Back to School day" with the kids.) BUT on Monday night I was convinced I was going to die... I didn't know why. I thought it might be a cookie from my friend Dave, but my friend was sick too, and the garlic was the common culprit!

I believe in the power of words, so I prefer "Garlic Overdose" for it's specific clarity, but the internets tell me that it's POISON. (Check out the link if you doubt the fervor of these antigarlic crazies.) I have also come to believe that too much garlic at one time can damage the flora of my stomach and prevent it from digesting things(like a cookie) at it's usual busy clip. (JD, it was like at least one HUGE HEAD, so don't worry, it won't happen if you only use it recreationally. This will not happen to you.) Actually the ease with which I found "information" about "garlic poisoning" stunned me, so it was time to check and see if this was a random Google effect.

"Toner cartridge poisoning" led to almost no related items... no I don't know why "Toner Cartridge" was the first common household (ish?) item to come to mind. Blame the garlic.
"Corn poisoning" was all about sinister exterminators feeding pests.
"Jelly poisoning" was patchy, but DID bring up this disturbing piece about the banal hazards of incarceration.

At this point I had a quick chat with my sister and decided that I should be searching for other "miracle cure" type foods, more like garlic, so I tried "Vinegar Poisoning". Everyone in every interweb agrees that Vinegar is the CURE for all types of poisoning. Sure, now I know.

So, there you have it.

Also, I was mystified enough by this that I wanted to share all of this news with everyone I know, so there it is, I'm going to try a blog again. (Not least because of the Sprayberries.)

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