Thursday, February 7, 2008

I used to make fun of people who said

"When things calm down..."

Because, I preferred to keep all things calm. I skipped through the parts about "stress management" because I was skillful at the first step of "stress management" which is stay out of THAT mess. I had "good boundaries" about "saying no" and I "made time for myself" on a regular basis. I'm unsure exactly when and how things shifted, but I apparently stepped on that slippery slope, and here I am at the bottom of Hectic Hill.

Saturday will be the Washington State Caucus. For the last two weeks, I've been reading and canvassing and making calls on my break to ask my neighbors to support Obama at the Caucus. Washington has this crazy system where the state holds a primary, but the state Democratic Party chooses their delegates at a caucus 10 days earlier. Many voters receive their primary ballot in the mail (most people here vote by mail) and figure it must count, and then skip the caucus because they feel they have better ways to spend their Saturday. This means that the candidate with the most informed (about the caucus) voters will win the Democratic delegates. (Only about 2% of voters attend the caucus here, historically.) This is crazy and means that there's a lot that can be done here on Saturday.

It's a very exciting time.

1 comment:

this one said...

Thank you for your commitement. Even if you are not working toward a calm, you are working toward a future that can be remarkable and erholsam. Keep up the good work.