Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Spring signs

Disclaimer: While I understand that it could snow in Boston on any day in March or April, I'm celebrating moments of spring-like weather and attitudes as they occur. This may irritate bores, literalists or fuddy-duddies. For instance when Z wore shorts the other day and smiled at a passerbye, she offered (in a grouchy voice) "Don't put away your boots yet!"

Today it reached 50 degrees and I spent a couple of hours walking around in it. I underdressed (Seattle tradition) to get as much sunlight on my skin as possible. It was fantastic to smile at my neighbors as they did errands, strolled around the pond, and generally blossomed. Here are some signs of spring to add to my list....

The hat shop is totally ready to move forward.

Honey Bees! (You may have to look really closely... the Iphone has no zoom.) These bees were buzzing around so merrily in and out of this tree that it made me think of Winnie the Pooh. In that hole, I could see the honeycomb and the entrance to the hive.)

Not pictured: frisky ducks and Canada geese, children drunk with sunshine. My three new springy t-shirts from Boomerang's.

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