I went to EMS months ago for some yoga pants and saw it, and thought "Man, that would be cool."
Then, I needed some cold weather biking gloves and I saw it WITH its 30% off sign.
Wow. "How much could that be?!" I thought. I came home and asked Z "How much would be the right price for a unicycle?" He said "$200" (He's very kind and likes to let me splurge on yarn.) It was less than $100, so I got it. I live in a neighborhood with two big "walking around the pond" events per year, so I figure if nothing else, I've got those opportunities to unicycle. Also, of course, cross-lateral balance can be very helpful to our coordination and our brains as we age, and ... you know I'm aging as much as anyone.
The morning I went to buy it, I read everything I could about learing to unicycle. Everybody has differing opinions about surfaces (grass or concrete?) and support (pair of chairs? fence or wall? two friends? nothing?). One person said "Remember to flail your arms. This is very important, and will help." You wouldn't think I'd need help flailing about in such a situaltion, but I did... it took me 15 minutes of trying to balance!
I bought it during the two hour break I have on Wednesdays, then had some time practicing on the playground. (I bought a roller-blading pad set, so my knees and wrists are protected when I fall, which I do. Although I've landed on my feet every time.) Yesterday I could mount (while holding on to a thing), fall off, and then occasionally pedal a half rotation or so. I also learned not to unicycle in cordoroys for chafing reasons.
Today I balanced a little bit at home (to show off for Z, and before my downstairs neighbor/landlady came home from work) . Then I headed out to the tennis court near my house. I remembered teaching small children to ride bikes (I've probably taught 50 kids how to ride and take off their training wheels.) and how they fall off when they expect to instead of continuing to pedal. I decided to treat myself like a kindergartner during practice, and asked myself to pedal farther than I thought I could, and sang a little circus song (the tromboney one "da da dadda dah dah Da dah dah DA dah") to myself. It worked! I pedaled a few rotations, and even got it to go in a quarter circle (more or less on purpose!) It was awesome.
I've got a kickass bruise on my thigh from falling off, and am anticipating some SERIOUS shin injuries when I start hopping on it without support. It's exhilerating to try something so completely new, and to do it alone. Just wait till I can juggle on it!
Anyhow, if you have parade coming up that needs someone to fall down every yard or so CALL ME!
I am REALLY impressed! I grew up with a boy across the street who always unicycled and I never had the coordination to even get on it!
Hello, Kendra you commented in my blog about eating raw garlic. I clicked to see who you were and you look suspiciously like a girl named Kendra that I knew in grade school growing up in North Providence. Let me know if perhaps you that same Kendra from Rhode Island.
-Amy Jerominek
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