It's still winter here in Massachusetts, I know. Please don't think I'm fooled by a little sun and weather warm enough for me to leave my gloves and mittens at home, because I'm not.
On the other hand, it's really gorgeous, and my body does not understand that there are still weeks of wintry weather and more snow ahead.

So here is a list (with some illustrative photos) of signs of spring:
1. The outdoor busking has begun again at Harvard Square (note bagpiper setting down a cup of coffee)
2. Crocuses are blooming, along with snow drops AND there are chirpy little robins bopping around as though they would also like to eat ice cream, and cook out.
3. My cat is lying around in puddles of sunshine on the floor.
4. (Not pictured) I was almost hit by a baseball that was thrown by a child in a Red Sox jersey and just missed the mitt of a young man in a Red Sox jersey.
I'll keep an eye out and post more signs as they show themselves. What are the signs of spring where you live?

-No space on the sidewalk near Helvetiaplatz
-fleamarkets bursting with strolling folks
-the rich stink of mulch around municipal plants
-Osterchüchli for sale in the bakeries
-new birdsong in the morning outside our window
-scores of soccer players on the field next door
-the furs are being taken away from terrace seating outside the cafes
Singns of spring in 2010, thinking of you.
-The size of the mouse that Deliah stuck in Ivo's backpack before he left for the conference in Regensburg. (He discovered it only after arrival)
- I can hear bats squeaking outside my open windows.
- We were sweating in class from the sun streaming in through the windows.
-I walked home without a coat.
-I was desperate to be outside.
- Patios outside bars and cafés were full of cheerful people.
-The days are getting longer even before daylight savings.
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